
Park Rd, Auburn NSW 2144

+61 (Coming Soon)

Tag: 2023

Qurban 2023-01

Qurban and Eid Al-Adha Gathering 2023

We regret to inform you that the RSVP form has reached its capacity and is now closed. As a result, we have removed the RSVP form from the website. If you still need to RSVP or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact us at the numbers provided below.

+61 479 146 810

Please use the information below or contact one of our brothers listed above for payment details.
SISMA Incorporated
BSB: 062-107
Account Number: 11519541​
Eid web2-01

Eid Al-Fitr 2023

RSVP by Thursday 20th April 2023, using the above form or by contacting one of the listed brothers below.

+61 479 146 810

+61 421 407 873

+61 478 803 920

+61 469 301 029